Our People Showcase

The Privilege Project is a collaborative effort and we are proud to showcase the people involved, as without them, this project would not have become a reality.

I started working on this project in 2019, when I wanted to create a way to talk about privilege as a power source. The first think tank meeting kicked off in January just before the pandemic hit and we rallied on during lockdown and kept working on this project because of our core belief to create something that looks at privilege in a different way. I was blessed with a committed team of writers and facilitators and an encouraging advisory board who cheered us on as they loved the concept. 2020 has been a seriously tough and challenging time for everyone and during difficult times, as a society, we can inadvertently, without intention, risk creating a much less level-playing field during times of crisis.

We can risk losing precious ground gained on embedding inclusive behaviours by not necessarily realising how decisions made during times of disruption and turbulence. We may not consider all facets of diversity and can potentially marginalise or exclude. And this marginalisation, exclusion and discrimination can impact those who are considered minorities within dominant groups in society, they are different, vulnerable and at a disadvantage. Without realising, during such times of crisis we can inadvertently add greater burden, add another layer of disadvantage especially to those who are not of similar socio-economic backgrounds.

 We can also end up adding layers of additional privilege to some which in turn can exacerbate, expose or compound the adverse effects of those underprivileged by society, income or class. The importance here is to harness the power of privilege to build a culture of allyship. If you have privilege, use it for improving the lives of others. Create opportunities, remove barriers and fight the good fight to create a more just world. Welcome to The Privilege Project. This is our bold ambition, through the medium of building awareness, educating, using relatable content, scenarios to make you feel and a roadmap to allyship with ideas to carve out advocacy and actionable pathways.

Huma Qazi

Founder & Creator of The Privilege Project

Our team

Áine Maher

“It means empowerment to me. It’s about giving people the tools to recognise their own power and how they can share that power with others. We’re creating a chain reaction of acceptance of difference and subsequent unity with one another to enable us all to grow as a global society.”

Natasha VorRasi

“The Privilege Project is about understanding, humility and champion for a more inclusive society. The world is unfair. There are invisible hierarchies that affect people’s lives. By recognising that we all benefit from different social privileges, we can better appreciate how we contribute to the status quo – and realise how we can change it. ”

Shiva Raichandani

“To me, The Privilege Project’s multimodal, intersectional, and accessible approach signals hope. The hope for a better world in which we’re able to positively use our multilayered privileges for the benefit of disenfranchised individuals and communities at large. It’s an opportunity to step up like never before.”

Sara Chandran

“We’re transforming people’s perspectives by using a unique lens of human-first storytelling to shine a much-needed light on the ways privilege and exclusion go hand-in-hand. It doesn’t end there though, The Privilege Project for me is about changing the narrative of what allyship is both personally, and professionally.”

Sofia Beale

The word “privilege” has been synonymous with gatekeeping opportunities, a barrier between those who have it and those who don’t. The Privilege Project puts a new lens on this concept. Using elements of introspection and immersive learning, it allows us to discover how privilege can break down those barriers and create a more equitable society for all.

Kate Stuart

Our programme helps our delegates to see those things more clearly and figure out how to use them to create fairer opportunities for everyone. It is unique, impactful and will resonate with everyone.

Saad Ali Khan

“I love that our approach to educating people about privilege facilitates tough conversations. It’s not about assigning blame but about fostering understanding and collaboration for a fairer society.”

Rebecca Westaway

“For me, The Privilege Project provides a means to disrupt the status quo by imparting newfound understanding of identity and the implications of socially constructed labels and stereotypes The Privilege Project empowers people to take positive action, using their privilege to promote more equitable outcomes for all.”

Megan Lema

“Since learning about the many forms of privilege that exist, I’ve become far more aware of how I can use mine to create meaningful change and open up fairer opportunities for others.”

Our Advisory Board